Tuesday, May 19, 2009

McKesson turns 4

What is this? I can't wait to get my little hands in this gift.
Thanks Grandma for the cute outfit.
And oh yes, the swimsuit I have anxiously waited for.
The little mermaid cake that she picked out.
Make a wish!!!!
McKesson is such a sweet little girl but at the same time full of so much attitude and spunk. We always say "how can a little girl like you be so full of attitude?" She either smiles and shrugs her shoulders or gets really mad, but it is so true. For her birthday she wanted a swimsuit and her little mermaid cake so bad. So of course moms and dads are miricale workers and grant them their wish. This year because of the two day difference in McKesson and KortLyn's birthdays we decided to celebrate their birthdays together so that family would only have to come once. It worked out fabulous! Kesson said that "she wants to have her party every year with KortLyn because she is so cute." She just loves Korty Kort so much, and I think it is absoluely adorable and so sweet. Thanks so much to all of the family for coming and for helping us celebrate this special day with the two of them. And also thank you so much for the gifts.

1 comment:

Trev & Hayden said...

What a sweetie and nice big sister! The cake DID turn out awesome!! You do good work girl!