Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Branding the Cows

I hate more than anything to have to brand the cows....... but I understand the purpose of it to. I always tell Randy that it has to be pure torture to the poor things, but he just laughs at me. KodiAnn was such a big help in getting them in the shoot and helping us out. That girl has no fear and sometimes it worries me. I thought that after she broke her tooth off, due to the cows, that she would be scared, but this is so not the case. I think she is even less scared of the dang things. McKesson is so funny and likes to just sit in the truck and wait. I think they scare her just a little. MaKayja pushed Kortlyn in her stroller around the barn and they just did there own thing. What memories we can have of the "good ole" times down on the farm.


Trev & Hayden said...

LOVE these ones! You all are looking really good working your little hearts out! What the heck are you spraying thou?

Tara Mc said...

Look at you you little cowgirl. IT's gross and yucky but in the end, it's pretty fun.