Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Okay so MaKayja and McKesson were playing the other night and walked out of their room in this little get up (gotta love it, right). Anyways the next thing we knew they had put in the exercise DVD and were goin to town. Randy and I were laughing so hard I think we could have wet our pants. All while this was going on and we were laughing so hard they could have cared less and continued with all the fun. Man I wish I had the energy they have (maybe I would look half way decent in a swimsuit in that case, the things we can learn from our kids if we would just follow their example). Oh and, gotta love the sports bras, right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure McKesson's can be called a bra - but it is doing a great job of holding up her tummy.
They are so serious about what they are doing. Good stuff Cass!