Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fishin at the Resevoir

Aunt Kenzie and McKesson
KortLyn Shay
McKesson Ann
Kayja and her one of many fish.
KodiAnn and her many fish.
Tristan , Aunt Lex and Korty Kort
We went up to the reservoir and went fishing. We had a good time and the girls caught a lot of fish. We were able to keep three of them but the others were to small so we threw them back. MaKayja was so funny because she would get so excited when she would catch a fish and do this really silly little giggle. She even wanted to put the worm on the hook every time. (sick) She seriously must not be her Mother's child because that is so gross. KodiAnn was pretty happy and proud of herself also when she caught her fish but was a little more reserved and didn't want to put the worm on the hook. (smart girl I must say) McKesson wanted nothing to do with the whole fishing thing and just sat back and enjoyed the day with all of us. And of course KortLyn sat in the rocks and played with them and occasionally tried to eat a few. Thanks Jared - Lex and Kids and Aunt McKenzie for the fun day.

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