Okay this morning was so incredibly full of drama in our house. Anyone that knows our little
McKesson knows that she is the most determined child on earth. Her hair, her clothes, her shoes, her whole everything is never just right. She knows exactly how things should look and be done and that is just the way it is. Getting ready for the day is always a traumatic experience for her. Maybe I should just take her out naked once. Do you think it would change anything? So this morning was an interesting one. Since Randy and I are sick we thought we would send the girls to church with Grandma and Grandpa (thanks G&G). All the girls got dressed, brushed their teeth and I got their hair done. McKenzie came to get them and I noticed
McKesson had no tights or shoes on. I told her she needed to get them and put them on. She then decided to have a total come apart and threw herself on the floor and started kicking and screaming because she thinks her tights fall off her bum. Who in the world has tights that fall off their bum? So I got them and proceeded to put them on her as she was kicking and screaming, all the while I was trying to explain to her that it is cold outside and she has been sick so she needed to wear them. She still insisted to throw her fit, so Randy picked her up and put her in her bedroom and told her she wasn't going to church if she was going to act like that. In the meantime the other girls left.
So I got a phone call this afternoon from Randy's Aunt telling me they asked MaKayja where McKesson was and she said in a very matter a fact way "she wouldn't wear her tights so she didn't get to come to church." Cindy thought it was so funny so she had to call and tell me about it. Then later I checked my facebook and there was a message from a friend telling me the story and how funny her husband thought it was. He got the biggest kick out of it.
I tell you kids and there honesty. You can't get away with anything at all. I wonder what the Bishop would think if he knew? Can you really keep your child home over tights?